Faith Based Social Action Christmas and New Year Book Recommendations

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Book Recommendations

As we approach the new year, we have reached out to friends and colleagues to find out what books have resonated with them this year and emboldened them to pursue faith based social action.

Below you can find a selection of books and a link to purchase them from an ethical book seller.

We hope these recommendations are useful and encourage you and your groups in the call to see faith in action at the heart of in flourishing communities in Cornwall.

Generous Justice by Tim Keller

In generous justice, Keller explores the ways our call to social justice is empowered by our experiences of Christ's grace. Among the issues tackled in the book are important questions such as: Which economic system best caters to the poor? Should the church engage in social development programmes? Overall, Keller presents a clear and compelling case that there is a direct relationship between a person's grasp and experience of God's grace, and his or her heart for justice and the poor.

A Future That's Bigger Than The Past by Samuel Wells

In this book Samuel Wells gives a vision of what a Kingdom-centred Church might look like. In response to prevailing narratives of decline, Wells imagines what the church might look like if it devotes itself to a liberating story of reconciliation. With a rich foundation based in local contexts, this book will help faith groups discover fresh ways to bless the communities they serve.

Candles in the Dark by Rowan WIlliams

This powerful and timely book brings together the twenty-six weekly reflections that Williams originally posted online for the congregation of his local parish church from March to September 2020, during lockdown in the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Williams offers these words of wisdom to act as Candles in the Dark. Written with warmth and compassion, these meditations offer hope and encouragement as we continue to endure the most devastating and disturbing world crisis for over a generation.

Homesick: Why I Live in a Shed by Catrina Davies

Homesick tells the story of Catrina Davies, who at aged thirty-one moved out of her £400 a month box room in Bristol to live in a shed in Cornwall. Catrina makes a compelling case for the real Cornwall that exists for so many people behind the idyllic beaches and tourist sites. This is the story of a personal crisis and broken housing system that makes secure housing a challenge for so many people.

L is for Lifestyle by Ruth Valerio

How can we live more responsibly as people of faith? In this book Valerio highlights the important need to look after God's beloved creation. The chapters deal with a variety of issues facing contemporary Christians in everyday life, offering practical actions that we can all take. She covers everything from the ecology of driving to the ethical implications of shopping, investments and tourism. The discussions are framed throughout with accessible theological insights that engage biblical material in relation to issues of poverty, justice, and creation care.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

The provocative title is hard to ignore, but so is the content of the book. In this award-winning book Eddo-Lodge provides a comprehensive view of the enduring obstacles that reproduce inequalities for black people in contemporary British society. She encourages readers to recognise the existence of systemic racism and consequently join in the fight to dismantle it. This book is a personal account of experiences relating to issues of white privilege, white-washed feminism, race, class, and more.

Beyond Hashtag Activism by Mae Elise Cannon

In this book, activist Mae Elise Cannon helps us convert conversations about social justice into real world material actions. Cannon begins by outlining why social justice should be important to Christians and that salvation and justice are both necessary components of the Gospel of Christ. She suggests we can accomplish this justice through a range of strategic avenues: spiritually, socially, legally, politically, and economically. This book will help you understand and put into action what it means for the church to be a place of peace, justice, and hope.

The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone

Cone’s book is a memoir on the painful experience of being both a Christian and a black man in America. In this book, Cone examines the meaning of the crucifixion for black people living in the shadow of the history of lynchings. By drawing parallels between the cross and the lynching tree, Cone highlights the hope that Christ has offered the African-American community. This understanding of the cross translates to a great number of injustice around us. Overall, Cone demonstrates how God's loving solidarity can transform ugliness into liberating presence.

Nevertheless by John Kirkby

The book is autobiographical and about the establishment of Christians Against Poverty by the founder John Kirkby. Nevertheless presents an account of his desire to help downtrodden exploited and vulnerable members of our society to regain their control over debt and financial stability. It is a story of remarkable faith, commitment and blessing but also of the many challenges that CAP faced in the first few years of their work. Through his openness, Kirkby offers an inspiring account of hearing and obeying God’s call to bless others.

The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

In this book, Shane Claiborne describes an authentic faith rooted in belief, action, and love, which invites us to love the poor and marginalised around us. The lifestyle Claiborne proposes rejects materialism and nationalism and emphasises living in loving and close community with Christians and non-Christian, a voluntary redistribution of wealth along the lines of Early Christianity, and socially and environmentally conscious consumer choices, all based on love for God and love for all humans.