How we supported Skillshare
Skillshare is a church-led initiative bringing people together, share their skills, and grow theirself-esteem.
“I’ve learnt to sew and embroider, and I’ve met some lovely people who have improved my confidence.”
“I needed something that I could take positive steps towards getting myself better. My first step was being in a “safe” place with people. I have also been able to support and sympathise with others.”
What is Skillshare?
SkillSHARE's vision is to bring together those who doubt their own abilities in a safe space where they can teach others and gain new skills. They invite along anyone who is isolated, lonely, struggling with mental or physical challenges, or struggling with addictions or learning difficulties.
How does Skillshare work?
Once brought together in a safe space, SkillSHARE encourages people to share their skills and gain new ones.
In this space, all “SkillSHARErs” are equal – there are no experts, just opportunities. Ranging from crochet to woodwork to renovations, SkillSHARE uses simple tasks to raise self-esteem and being hope and direction.
How has Transformation Cornwall helped?
SkillSHARE came to Transformation Cornwall (TC) for support in project vision setting, and finding and applying for funding.
TC encouraged SkillSHARE to try applying for funding again after their initial request was rejected. They then worked with SkillSHARE to build a solid bid, and succeeded in getting funding from Cornwall Community Foundation.
Since then, SkillSHARE have seen amazing and significant results, with people's lives literally transformed! Those who were nervous to begin interacting with SkillSHARE, now initiate projects and even run sessions. Many speak of improved self esteem, and some have even taken on additional opportunities elsewhere as a result of contacts made through SkillSHARE.
Find out more about Skillshare's latest news by taking a look at their Facebook page.