Meet the Funders is an innovative year-long programme providing conferences and workshops to inform, inspire and strengthen community work in Cornwall.

About Meet the Funders

Run in partnership between Transformation Cornwall & the Diocese of Truro, The Meet the Funders programme runs throughout the year and is open to people and organisations of all faith and none.

It begins with a large spring event where major local and national funders meet participants seeking funding for social projects.

The spring event is followed by a series of smaller community workshops or one-to-one support sessions. The aim is to take participants through the key stages of developing, funding, and sustaining a community social action project.

Meet the Funders Spring 2024

On 25th April 2024, our Meet the Funders event connected 14 national and local funders with over 80 organisations including Faith and third sector groups from all over Cornwall.

Mt F

MtF 2023 Spring Event

2022 Meet the Funders Programme

Girl in a jacket

The Meet the Funders Programme celebrated its tenth anniversary of providing innovative community funding support in Cornwall during 2022..

2022 Resources

Below you can find links to session recordings and resources from 2022.

Meet the Funders Spring Event 2022 Recordings and Speaker Presentations

Vision Setting and Project Planning Workshop Resources

Data and Community Consultations Workshop Resources

Finding Funders and Putting Together a Funding Application Workshop Resources

Funders Workshop Resources

Energy and Sustainability Workshop Resources

    Meet the Funders was a great start to my journey into fundraising…. It helped to de-mystify some aspects of applying for grants with a reminder that behind the online applications, real people are engaging with projects.

    Jac Smith, Fundraiser, Truro Lifehouse