27 Foodbank Warehouse Food Sorting by Volunteers Approved for external use c Gabriel Bahnareanu 1

Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a day-to-day reality for more and more people across the UK. In the twelve month period from April 2022 to March 2023 over 36,000 emergency food parcels were distributed by Trussell Trust Foodbanks in Cornwall alone, over 12,000 of those were for children under the age of 16.

Transformation Cornwall works to:

- Strengthen the network of emergency food distribution in Cornwall so that they may continue to provide services that meet their community’s needs.

- Champion the work of faith communities in Cornwall in response to people experiencing food poverty.

- Grow the support to almost 30 centres of emergency food provision across Cornwall.

- Inform the communities across Cornwall with contact details, opening times, ways to refer, ways to donate etc to emergency food provision centres.

Local and National food poverty work:

  • The Independent Food Aid Network: (IFAN) The UK network for independent food aid providers. Our vision is of a country which doesn’t need emergency food aid and in which good food is accessible to all.
  • The Trussell Trust: The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. Our aim is to end hunger and poverty in the UK.
  • End Hunger Cornwall: work with the Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum and End Hunger UK to promote awareness and provide positive input in helping to end the very real problem of food poverty within Cornwall. Read more about their recent report on awareness generated by Challenge Poverty Week (October '21).
  • Sustainable Food Cornwall | Good Food For One And All: "Our vision is for everyone in Cornwall to have access to healthy and affordable food, and for that food to be produced in a way that protects the planet, connects our communities and contributes to a fair and thriving economy."
  • Gleaning Cornwall is a growing network of volunteer gleaners (harvesters) and drivers who are salvaging produce from farms and growers and distribute it to foodbanks, soup kitchens and charities that feed those most in need. It looks to support the incredible work already happening in this county to solve this key issue and that of food wasted on farms in Cornwall and food poverty.
  • Devon & Cornwall Food Action work with food producers and supermarkets to redistribute surplus food to those in need. We supply a number of services, community organisations and groups. Through their various means testing schemes produce is distributed to those that have been identified as being in desperate need to feed themselves and their families.


  • Trussell Trust End of Year Stats (April 2023). Food banks in the Trussell Trust network saw the highest ever levels of need, even more than during the peak of the pandemic, as more people found their incomes did not cover the cost of essentials like heating and food. Between April 2022 and March 2023, the number of people that used a food bank for the first time was 760,000.
  • The Food Foundation Food Prices Tracker (April 2023). Analysis shows the price of a weekly basket of food has increased by 24-26% since April 2022. The Food Foundation’s Basic Basket Tracker measures weekly prices of a basket of food for an adult man and adult woman as part of a reasonably costed, adequately nutritious diet.
  • Independent Foood Aid Network (IFAN) Food Inflation Hits 16.7% (Feb 2023). A new group of independent food banks operating across the UK has reported an unprecedented increase in demand through December 2022 and into the New Year. No contributing food bank had seen a decrease in need.
  • Food Standards Agency Household Food Insecurity (June 2022). They have recently undertaken a new study to establish, explore and prioritise consumer interests, needs and concerns in relation to food in the UK. The report shows that food affordability and food insecurity is currently the most important aspect in consumer decision making and the way that people think and feel about food.
  • CentrePoint Young, homeless and hungry: The impact of food insecurity on vulnerable young people (2022). Access to enough safe and nutritious food for health, wellbeing and development is essential for young people as they transition into adulthood. However, this research shows that some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in our society are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity.

    Contact us for more details: info@transformation-cornwall.org.uk

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    "I can honestly say that yes, I think I have changed. I feel more stronger in myself, I feel more determined to succeed, feel more positive with the help/ support I have had throughout the year."

    Food For Change participant