1:1 Support for individual churches, faith groups and grassroot organisations across Cornwall.
We deliver bespoke support to individual churches, faith groups and grassroot organisations in Cornwall.
We come alongside groups who want to take positive action and help them to become focused and effective.
This bespoke support can include anything from clarifying the vision of your project, developing (and sustaining) your project team, identifying prospective funders, developing consultation events in your community, organisational governance, finding data to support your work and help with evaluation.
Our offer includes 8 hours of support over a 3 month period. This will
be both online and in-person. Further support can be offered if requested. Get in touch to find out more about how we can work together.
If you've come to this page in search of personal financial help, please visit our page of suggested links where we hope you will find an organisation who can support you.
The Clothes Horse
Find out more on how we supported the Clothes Horse in Newquay here.

The Oasis Centre
Find out more on how we supported the Oasis Centre in St Columb here.

Find out how we supported the Skillshare intiative led by Bodmin Light and Life Church here.

Hidden Help
Find out how we supported Hidden Help when the organisation grew in capacity and became a registered charity here.

Truro Nourish Hub
Find out how we supported Truro Nourish Hub forge new partnerships here.